This political cartoon shows seven different countries "scrambling for Africa." The cartoon shows each country pulling on the continent in different directions because everybody wants control. The artist's opinion is that one of the seven depicted countries cannot completely control Africa by itself. If one country was to "let go" then everything would become unbalanced and it would become slightly chaotic. I agree with the part of the cartoon that says that one country cannot completely control Africa because they do not have enough power or people to completely keep the other countries out. I do not agree with the balance of power because if one country would "let go," then another country would just step in and take its place.
This cartoon shows a European man reaching his hands into Africa's gold fields and taking what he wants. The artist's opinion is that even though Europe was quite a distance away from Africa, they can still get what they want and make money off of it (by the way that the man is dressed). I agree with the cartoon because the European countries were making money off of Africa, even though it was costing them money too.
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